Looking for business copy?
For information about my commercial copywriting and content writing services for websites, social media, products and PR, please get in touch or visit www.stirandshare.co.uk.
Prices and services
To receive a quote for your project, please contact me with the full details. If you have a document you would like edited or proofread, please email it to amanda@writinggenie.co.uk.
Once I have seen how much editing or research is required for your individual project, I'll calculate how long it would take and email you a price.
Each project is unique in its requirements so I provide bespoke quotes rather than a menu of rates. Online agencies that offer one-size-fits-all pricing inevitably follow up with a one-size-fits-all service. Agencies and hiring platforms take a large cut of each fee, meaning their writers have to rush through thousands of words each day just to earn minimum wage. How do I know? I started out as one of these writers!
My rates are competitive and similar to online agencies – but you'll get twice as much time for your money and a much better result!
Information I'll need
To give you an accurate quote, I'll need to know what type of service you require. Would you like:
- proofreading with grammar and punctuation amendments only (with or without Track Changes and Comments to explain them)?
- light editing for grammar, punctuation and effectiveness?
- extensive editing?
- help to finish writing something you have started?
- writing from notes with research provided?
- full writing and research?
I'll also need to know:
- how many words you need
- how quickly you need them
- the format you would like them in, e.g. emailed as a Word document, saved as a Google Doc or added straight to your website via WordPress, Squarespace, Wix or another website builder
- anything else you think is relevant!
© Copyright Writing Genie ● amanda@writinggenie.co.uk ● 07986805021 ● Westhorpe, Stowmarket, Suffolk